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UFB Pricing, plans, maps, speeds, insights and news. All about New Zealand's Ultra-Fast Broadband (fibre Internet) initiative. Including the Rural Broadband Initiative (RBI).


Most frequently asked questions about UFB (and RBI)

Q. What are the dimensions and specifications of the Chorus ONT (Optical Network Terminal) provided as part of Chorus UFB installations?
A. The ONT includes it’s own power supply and provides 4 ethernet ports to enable service from up to 4 Retail Service Providers (RSPs). Size: 180mm x 120mm x 50mm

Q. I’ve seen digging in the street near my house and I asked the contractors what they were working on and was advised they are rolling out UFB. How soon will it be until I can access UFB internet at my home?
A. It varies according to a range of factors, but in the experience of the authors of it is commonly in the range of 8-16 weeks. Check the UFB availability maps page to gain more information about availability of service in your area.

Q. I understand UFB is great for accessing video streaming services. Which ones are worth considering?
A. The Netflix subscription service is the most popular globally but isn’t officially supported in NZ, we suggest referring to the  Netflix NZ fan blog for more details. Quickflix, iTunes and Xbox Videos are all officially available to NZ customers and worthy of consideration. Football fans should consider the Premier League Pass from Coliseum Entertainment.

Q. I live in a rural area and understand that UFB is not planned for my area at this time, what other options do I have since my current dial-up connection does not meet my needs?
A. You may find that the Government funded Rural Broadband Initiative (RBI) will provide internet in your area.


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