Chorus confirms UFB rollout through mid-2016
Chorus advised today they have finalised rollout plans for Ultra-Fast Broadband (UFB) through to June 2016. They had previously confirmed plans for the first three years of the rollout and this means they now have published (or completed) build plans for the first five years of the NZ Governements Ultra-Fast Broadband initiative which is due to run through until 2019.
Chorus advise the July 2014 to June 2016 plans will see Chorus begin work in the last of its 24 candidate areas, Waiheke Island in Auckland, as well as finishing work in nine other provincial towns and cities. These are Blenheim, Ashburton, Timaru and Oamaru by the end of June 2015 and Waiuku, Rotorua, Taupo, Greymouth and Queenstown by the end of June 2016.
According to Chorus GM of Infrastructure Build, Ed Beattie, “Years’ four and five of our build will see Chorus deploy fibre to over 250,000 New Zealand homes, schools, medical centres and businesses. This will bring the number of customers in Chorus areas who are able to connect to UFB to more than half a million,” says Beattie. “We plan to have completed around 57 percent of our UFB coverage target by June 2016.”
Chorus says they are also working with local councils, communities and the industry to help them make the most of UFB when it comes to their area. In line with UFB policy, fibre is being delivered first to priority customers including schools, hospitals, medical facilities and businesses.
By the end of 2019, Chorus aim to have extended the reach of their existing 29,000km fibre network to deploy UFB past more than 830,000 urban homes, businesses, schools, hospitals and medical facilities throughout New Zealand.
To check if (or when) Ultra-Fast Broadband will be available in your area visit our UFB maps page.